Thursday, 28 May 2009


I've been super busy fixing up my garden.

Have some masterwort eye candy.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009


I've got so many knitting projects to finish in the next few weeks, I haven't got much else to say.

Not to mention that spinning I need to get done!

Here's Purdy looking bored with me taking pictures of her instead of detailed gabbling from me.


Monday, 2 February 2009


I think I've finally cracked the coordination thing with my spinning wheel. I spent a bunch of time yesterday managing the whole treadling and drafting at the same time thing. Looks pretty too. Not very even mind, but practice, practice, practice will soon sort that out, I'm sure.


It's a merino/silk blend.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Cat & Socks

Purdy, who is usually very camera shy, was being surprisingly co-operative the other night.
As you see.

I also managed to finish my Siren Socks. It's always nice to get back to selfish knitting after the holiday knitting crazy.